Team Description

We founded Web3 Builders as a vibrant and collaborative community for anyone who is interested in exploring the engineering technology behind Web3 and Blockchain topics. Even if you have never tried programming but have a strong intellectual curiosity in blockchain engineering technology, we warmly welcome you to join the Build Team!

The Build Team is our home for all engineering-oriented activities. Members of this team should be passionate builders who are ready to build cool projects or compete in hackathons.

Build Team Challenge

For Web3 being such a rapidly advancing industry, you are the only one who can keep yourself up to date by being comfortable with self-directed learning. Therefore, this software challenge acts as a self-directed sanity-check for aspiring members to explore whether the Build Team is the right home for them.


A google doc, a github showcasing your work, a screen recording (ex.Loom) of you demonstrating your work with detail. We are more interested in learning about your engineering thought process than the outcome.

(Optional) your past work/portfolio

Help & Support

If you are struggling with smart contract bugs or having trouble with anything else, feel free to reach out to Brandon ([email protected], 267-271-5566). We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.