Team Description

Members of the Education team work towards Web3 builder’s mission of educating fellow members and the broader Penn community on all things blockchain.



You will be doing a short version of what you will do as a member of our education team. Your challenge is to use this time to learn about a topic in web3 that you have been meaning to understand. Select a topic from the inspirations below or find a topic of your choice:

If you want to work on some less niche topics, feel free to explain them in a way you think is cool and interesting. Focus on explaining what is the concept is, how does it work, why is it cool, and how can we use it? Some suggested topics, feel free to come up with your own:

Create a blog post or slide deck(up to 10 slides) demonstrating your learnings. We want to see that you have digested the material in your own way and are able to explain it to someone else effectively. If you’re walking us through the slides, you are allowed to focus a bit less on the beautification of slides.
